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Happiness Inequality

Happiness Inequality

Today I read the World Happiness Report 2016. Update, happiness inequality is on the rise. You may be thinking, what is happiness inequality? It’s the psychological parallel to income inequality: how much individuals in a society differ in their self-reported...

The Great Goal Game Plan

The Great Goal Game Plan

We know a woman, who is smart. She is passionate about her business and she has big dreams. Everyday she commits to her business and yet, everyday she gets easily distracted, "stuff" just gets in the way. The business of running a business is tough. We know how she...

Awaken to the impact of coaching

Awaken to the impact of coaching

What goals are you trying to achieve this year? Are they focused solely on business or do they focus on both your personal and business performance? Allow me to tell you a story about fear and the power of overcoming it. There once was a financial advisor I was...