Awarded Certified Professional Coach of the Month

May 19, 2019

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

Excited to share that I was awarded Certified Professional Coach of the Month, in April 2019. 

I was recognized as coach of the month by Strategic Learning Alliance based on leadership to the coaching industry and nominated for my contributions by executive HR industry leaders. They search their database and recognize certified coaches that are upholding high standards, conduct, service and dedication to the industry. 

I am very proud to receive this honour.  

Certified Professional Coach of the Month











As a certified professional coach, I work beside you to move forward towards achieving your business objectives. I support your efforts in identifying where you are today and where you want to be in the future.  

Above all, you want to work with someone who has been through a third-party credentialling party. Ensuring the best of higher education attainment and organizational performance expectation through applied professional science standards.

Establishing a focus, discovering the possibilities, planning action, removing barriers and having you re-cap your commitments will have you achieving more than you thought possible.

Accountability is key

Almost all high-level professionals work with a coach.  I partner with professionals who take their success seriously.

As a result of more than 1300 logged coaching hours and 200+ coach training hours, I am continually honing my skills and assisting others to do the same. If you, your team or organization are ready to adopt a Coach approach and lead differently, reach out so that we can explore what dates work to have the Coaching Clinic delivered to support your efforts.

I’d love for your workplace to be one I support. High Performance demands new and improved skills. Check out the details for The Coaching Clinic Workshop and reach out.


Reach out to discuss your needs.

Here are some additional ways we can work together

Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Founder of Jimbere Business Academy (private level access) and Co-Founder at Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club, 

Jennifer Jimbere is an entrepreneur, International best-selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series. World Class Coach and Business Consultant. A recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. She has served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Jennifer has also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority.  Recommended and inducted into the Who’s Who of America for 2019.  



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