Change your Coaching practice in less than 90 days!

Change Your Coaching Practice in less Than 90 Days!

July 4, 2020

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

Every change requires action.⁣⁣
Join The PowHER Collective, a Brand new offering for female coaches. 

Give your business the boost in revenue that it needs right now. 

This is your invitation to leverage proven processes and find hidden revenue in your business. 

Every coaching business needs a quick infusion of cash flow!

The bad news is most coaches do not get past the $100k mark and it makes it hard for their business to be sustainable. 

You want to attract an abundance of your ideal clients with ease. 

Say YES now to The PowHER Collective for Coaches

Attracting clients and being of service with our gifts is how we make the biggest difference and impact in the world… and in our own life.✨

I’ve been blessed to guide hundreds of powerful women (like you!) build their attraction marketing campaigns, again and again, and scale their impact to drastically increase their revenue. 


Ones I would like to help you avoid. 
Ready to create the coaching practice you have been dreaming of?

Secure one of the 10 spots now!
You see, I’ve been exactly where you are right now. Wondering what else is possible…⁣⁣
You’ve probably scrolled through social media and seen all the posts of other women celebrating their success, and wonder how they do it?⁣⁣
I used to feel the same.⁣⁣
I assumed that the market was already full, and there wasn’t room for me to pursue my dream of having my own thriving businesses.⁣⁣
I was wrong!⁣⁣
There WAS a room for me. There was a lot of space I could fulfill.⁣⁣
I decided that I want to help women like You who think they can’t pursue their dreams.⁣⁣
Who think they can’t have their own business.⁣⁣
I helped many other people in the past.⁣⁣
I’ve been asked so many times to make this program.⁣⁣
So that’s what I did. I created a program that helps produce $10.000 to $15.000 in additional revenue for the businesses…⁣⁣
Within the first 45 days!!⁣⁣

But it requires action. I’ll give you the proven methods, but you need to be able to implement them.⁣⁣

Remember, your biggest risk in NOT taking the right action.⁣⁣ Learn more and secure your spot today.
There are only 10 available for this collective. ⁣⁣

Coaching is NEVER an expense. It’s one of the smartest investments any small business owner will ever make when it comes to building a successful business.

Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Founder of Jimbere Business Academy (Gold to Private level access). Jennifer Jimbere is an entrepreneur, International best-selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series. World Class Coach and Business Consultant.

As well, she is a recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. She has served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Jennifer has also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority.  Recommended and inducted into the Who’s Who of America for 2019.

Don’t delay, increased confidence, knowledge and revenue is waiting.  

Maintain momentum and make it a great day!

PS, Be sure to join the 2476+ amazing professionals who are part of the JCC Facebook Community where you’ll find a ton of useful insights, tips, and original content that is sure to help you succeed! Click here to join.

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