Inspiring Possibilities Global Summit

Inspiring Possibilities Global Series

March 22, 2021

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

I am so excited to announce that I am a guest speaker for a NEW 5-day online series, running on March 22nd to March 26th, 2021 called:

Inspiring Possibilities Global Series: 

Busting the Impostor Syndrome 

Courageously and Imperfectly Creating Confidence,

 Real Connection, & Meaningful Results

When we went into quarantine last March 2020, SO many of us hit the pause button on our dreams… and WE forgot that WE hold the remote.

 Are you paralyzed by fear and uncertainty right now and it’s stopping you from moving forward?

 Or feeling like your confidence isn’t where it needs to be?

 Or feel like you’re sinking, and you just don’t know what the next step is for your life?

If you’re wondering why you can’t seem to break through all that fear and finally, create a meaningful shift in your life…

… you’re not alone. 

So many people are stuck in analysing, worrying about perfectionism, and feeling lack of worthiness.

Unfortunately, by putting their biggest fears above all else, they end up letting uncertainty stop them from seeing all that is possible, and how to create meaningful results!

If you’re ready to take all those limitations off, get unstuck, and courageously move into a life of meaning and have fun in the process, then…

This is going to feel Like FREEDOM for you!

I am so honored to be asked to speak at Olympic Gold Medalist Michelle Cameron Coulter O.C. OLY‘s event Inspiring Possibilities.

Where belief in yourself and bold moves meet, magic happens. 

Michelle told me her story of how she was the same. Performing at the Olympics caused her to develop unhealthy eating habits and she would force her body to push beyond exhaustion.

We will be talking about the understanding of how hustle is not required for success when following proven practices.  

Business blunders and breakthroughs, join us for 5 days will bring stories of adversity, tenacity, and innovation.

You’ll join me and 21 amazing authors, speakers, coaches, and experts for a series of life-changing mentorship sessions that will give you the tools to reach a place of unstoppable courage.

You’ll finally be able to:

  • Access unstoppable courage, and let go of the fear that’s holding you back.
  • Bust the Impostor Syndrome and gain the confidence to create meaningful results, and break through all the negative self-talk.
  • Breakthrough procrastination, fear, and perfectionism by finally getting out of your head once and for all.
  • Create momentum by stepping out of your own way and allowing powerful mentorship and support to guide you to make the impact you want to have with your life!
  • Create Real connections, meaningful results… and so, so much more!

 So, say “yes” to yourself and your dreams, and finally be able to create real and meaningful results to impact the lives of those who matter most to you!



The truth is, we can expect the unexpected in life, but we must first have the courage to jump into our greatness no matter what that looks like! In fact, when we jump into the waters of the unknown, we will make a splash that can have a ripple effect that touches the world we live in…but we have to jump in…and not just dip our toes!

This series is going to show you exactly how to do that by helping you create meaningful connections and access powerful tools and resources. You’ll establish a support network that will help you rise up and move through fear and uncertainties to create your positive and powerful vision in the world. 

We’re in this together!

So, are you ready to discover the inspiring possibilities that are here for you?


Let’s make it a great day!

Jennifer Jimbere Horizontal Logo Signature

P.S. You won’t want to miss these sessions! Our experts will be giving you FREE gifts and bonuses to make sure that you are 100% supported , equipped, and ready to rise above challenges and create meaningful results…no matter what you’re afraid of! 

P.S.S If you cannot be there live for all the days… don’t worry , We got You! There is an option to have all the replays too!! 

See ya SOON!

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