by Jennifer Jimbere | Jun 17, 2020 | Blog, Coaching
Create your customized marketing roadmap here with a powerful step-by-step business building program. Gain access to online business growth strategies 24/7 and tap into proven strategies to increase your revenue. There are 5 key areas in your business that you need...
by Jennifer Jimbere | Jun 4, 2020 | Blog
Coaching can be tough and challenge many to check their own emotions. If I see your sad face, I may first resonate with it and feel sadness myself (that’s the work of strictly congruent mirror neurons). Next, I may feel the desire to comfort you rise up in my body...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 29, 2020 | Blog
The 12 Week Year is a guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to twelve weeks. Do you spend countless hours attempting to generate leads, attract new clients and increase your revenue and profits… but see very little in the way of results? Have you...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 23, 2020 | Blog
Now is the time many are adjusting their plans for 2020. With this in mind, we want to look ahead using all of our strengths to make us as successful as possible. Extended DISC® is a suite of online assessment tools that provide you with information to maximize...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 14, 2020 | Blog
I have been coming into the co-working space I work out of regularly and I have observed many things during this pandemic worth note. The first is how few of the business owners are showing up consistently and confidently to share how they serve. The second is that it...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 7, 2020 | Blog
How would you like to sell more of your products or services…without increasing your traffic? If that’s your goal, then you need to improve your conversion rate. Business owners are always looking for the magic formula that can optimize the performance of...