by Jennifer Jimbere | May 19, 2019 | Blog, Coaching
Excited to share that I was awarded Certified Professional Coach of the Month, in April 2019. I was recognized as coach of the month by Strategic Learning Alliance based on leadership to the coaching industry and nominated for my contributions by...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 9, 2019 | Blog, Coaching, Consulting
Plan For Profit Brief Invitation We learn over time. What I have learned is to keep it brief. Over the last 3 years, In an effort to support you, my team and I created a weekly digest of the best COACHING, CHANGE MANAGEMENT, and SCIENCE OF WELL-BEING content...
by Jennifer Jimbere | May 2, 2019 | Blog, Coaching
I watched the Billboard Awards last night with my younger son and what we talked a lot about while watching the performances was SKILL. I do not watch a lot of TV and for some reason, I was fascinated by a few things as I watched. Did you enjoy it?I thought I saw a...
by Jennifer Jimbere | Apr 28, 2019 | Blog, Coaching
Looking For One-On-One Coaching Help? Are you tired of going it alone and could use some help when it comes to building your business? Do you spend countless hours attempting to generate leads, attract new clients and increase your revenue and profits… but see very...
by Jennifer Jimbere | Apr 23, 2019 | Blog, Coaching
Woman of Wisdom, RISE!This is a brand NEW program I am offering for every business that needs a quick infusion of cash flow! Here is the thing. YOU NEED TO HAVE A PLAN & YOU NEED TO FOCUS DAILY ON THE RIGHT TASKS, IN ORDER TO PROFIT. ...