3 Powerful Rules for Learning & 6 Reasons Coaching Matters

Coaching Rules

September 24, 2015

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

We are moving closer to “unmistakable” impact that post event coaching has on learning.Training and development has changed a lot in recent years. It used to be confined to workshops and seminars. Training used to be designed as standalone. In order for even the best training to provide the maximum benefit, you need to have someone help you to implement it.

No two teams that I support are exactly the same. Their needs are different, as are their capabilities. As their personal coach post training, I help them to apply what they took away in a way that will make it the most effective.

3 Powerful Rules for Learning, in my opinion are;

1. Allow Curiosity & Imagination to go wild during the session. Get your learners asking why, how, tell me more. You want them to lilt their head and question things in order to engage them in the learning journey you are taking them on.

2. Messy can be good, embrace it! Learner task tension is a good thing, too often we shy away from it, when we should be moving toward it.

3. Provide time for Intense Reflection. In most cases, when we facilitate a workshop or seminar we try to achieve a lot. We want to share and impart knowledge in the course of the day and there is not a lot of time for reflection. This is where post event coaching comes in.

Here are 6 reasons why coaching matters;

1. It will shorten the learning curve.There’s no doubt that you are smart enough to figure out what you want to take away and implement. The problem is time. You don’t have an unlimited amount of it. You need to be able to get results with your efforts and be clear on your plan of action; and that’s where a coach can be most effective in helping put the pieces of the puzzle together.

2. It will help you to avoid making mistakes that you’ve committed before.We have all made mistakes. Sometimes talking through your plan of action alone is enough for you to see the blind spots in your plan. If it is not, when your coach talks about removing roadblocks, they will become clear. Using their skillful approach to asking questions they help you discover new possibilities.

3. You’ll get better results because everything will be tailored to your specific needs.Training in workshops or seminars by design are generic. When they are created, we consider how can we make the material useful for the majority of the audience. There is no one size fits all. Which is why, when your coach follows up with you, your team has the opportunity to make the training matter to your business. Coaching provides you with custom learning based on your reflections from the session.You’ll begin to see where you are now in response to where you want to go.

4. A coach can help you take your ideas and solidify a plan of action. It is one thing to walk away from a session inspired and full of ideas, it is surely another for you to take that and make something of it. Your coach can assist you spring those ideas into action, I typically recommend at minimum 3 follow up, 1 hour calls. Many times our best new ideas lead us down a path we already tried before. It can be helpful for a trained ear to help you make those connections.

5. It will hold your team accountable to do something.It is easy to hide in the shadows of a workshop when there are greater than 50 participants in attendance. That is impossible to do when it is just your team and the coach on the line. It supports you in taking the time to prepare for the discussion and be purposeful in your actions. You will take time to discover what needs to occur and recap your commitments for the next time you talk. This simply doesn’t occur, if you attend a workshop, go home and file away the folder.

6. It will shorten the goal posts between your current reality and the goal.You are all creative, capable, wise and good participants. The impact a coach can have on you and your business is significant. I have seen it time and time again. However, they can only support you if you want to do the work. The pen is in your hand. If you do not commit, or do not take their time seriously, they are apt to fire you and spend more time with those who want their help and support.Your success on taking away learning depends on you establishing a focus, discovering the possibilities to get you there, planning the actions you will take, removing barriers and having you recap what you are committing to. Helping you get from your current reality to the goal you aspire to achieve. Coaching can provide perspective, a keen ear, direct feedback and they can also be that cheerleader that we all need sometimes.

Here’s to partnering in possibility.  Call me, (416) 939-8645 to move forward now.

Make it a great day

Image credit and artist: LA artist and old friend Jennifer Verge

Inspired by: My email sign off:)

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