The Six-Figure Coach Mississauga Focus Group

The Six-Figure Coach Mississauga Focus Group

March 19, 2019

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders


We’re hosting a Business Development Focus Group for 10 local Mississauga businesses on April 24th from 3-5 pm at 104-5770 Hurontario St. Mississauga Ontario. 
Generate leads and increase sales locally. We will provide our 20+ years of business development expertise to help each attendee. Have the opportunity to discover what is working for small businesses across the country.

This 2-hour session is available for a nominal fee, $99 + HST.

We can ONLY accept 10 individual business owners – and only ONE representative per profession.
REGISTER NOW and gain insights to have a competitive edge.

Jennifer was recently featured in The Six-Figure Coach Magazine. Your posture says a lot about your CONFIDENCE or lack thereof. She is proud to have been featured first in this months edition of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine. Directly before the article, 7 Business Coaching Lessons by Mel Robbins. What an honor to be featured in this esteemed company.

The Six-Figure Coach Mississauga Focus Group

Exciting news!! Jennifer will have the opportunity to learn from the Focus Group participants in 2019 and curate another article for The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and your business may be featured if you attend one of these sessions. 

REGISTER NOW to attend this exclusive event and gain a competitive advantage! 

Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Founder of Jimbere Business Academy (private level access) and Co-Founder at Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club, 

Jennifer Jimbere is an entrepreneur, International best-selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series. World Class Coach and Business Consultant. A recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. She has served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Jennifer has also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority.  


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