Mistake 2 of 5 I see Business Leaders Making!

Mistake 2 of 5 I see Business Leaders Making!

May 20, 2023

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

The following is the second mistake you can avoid in the whirlwind of your business. Thanks for taking your productivity & profitability so seriously. 

Mistake #2

Not recognizing the whirlwind, becoming overwhelmed and not blocking time to plan for your success. 

The whirlwind is your “day job”. It includes all the urgent activities that are necessary to sustain your business day to day. 

Almost all business leaders struggle to narrow their focus and it is not because they don’t think focus is needed. Every week I work with people just like you, you are not alone. There are too many competing priorities and you are being pulled in many different directions. The inability to focus is at epidemic proportions. 

I know you are creative capable, wise and good. You need some support to ensure that you are making the right choices, are focused on your wildly important goals and lead measures. 

Here are 2 Strategies to Help You Increase Your Focus

If you would like to increase your focus you can do 1 of 2 things: 

1. Create your own mindfulness jar, a meditation tool for creating calm in chaos.

In a mindfulness jar, the glitter represents your thoughts and emotions. As the glitter settles and you sit still, notice your breath and your thoughts settling down. 

To create one, you will need:

  • A glass jar with a lid
  • Glitter glue
  • Hot water
  • Something to stir the contents 


Open the glass jar, get the glitter glue tube and squeeze it into the jar, add the hot water until it is about half way full. Then stir the contents. Keep stirring for a few minutes. Then, when the glitter glue is separated, you can add tap water to fill the jar 3/4 full. Tighten lid. If you shake the jar and watch the glitter settle, notice your breath and your thoughts settling down. 

If you need more information, you can always search YouTube for videos on creating a mindfulness jar. 

2. For the next 2 weeks, can you block out two one hour time blocks for your own personal development? Doing so, will allow you to honour that time and devote it towards something you know you need to be learning. Think of a skill you need to develop and put some focus towards it. Once you master this new skill you will feel more empowered to take on what’s next. 

I am here to support your ability to focus and increase your performance. 
If you are ready to take your business to the next level, let’s talk. 
Book in for a quick discovery session.

Thank you for subscribing. Tune in for Solution #3 and how to avoid it. 

I am currently offering 3 ways to partner together and work with me.

Everything offered is designed to help you step into possibility, plan, focus and profit. 

What you think is possible, is just the beginning. 

I work with highly educated, growth minded, action takers who are serious about their success. Bringing their dreams and passion together, we are actioning on focused plans and welcoming them into their new prosperous reality.

A recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. I have served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Nominated in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 for RBC Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, Won 2022 Oakville Beaver Readers’ Choice Award for Best Business Consulting Service, Won 2020 & 2022 Productivity & Profitability Impact Consultant of the Year (Ontario) by Corporate Vision and have also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority. Nominated for the 2023 Compassionate Leaders Circle Awards.

Book in your discovery call today and let’s get started. There are limited spots available for 1:1 coaching and consulting. 

Maintain momentum and make it a great day!

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