What is Solution Focused Leadership? The Solution Focused Leadership approach focuses on solutions rather than concentrating on how to solve the problem, meaning your organisation’s time and focus is spent on developing action steps towards solutions and your clients’ improved outcomes.
Bringing up problems without solutions can have others seeing you as negative, and foster a perception that you are not a strong leader or without leadership potential.
How do you react when you see or uncover issues at work?
What do you do when you realize there are potential problems on the horizon that perhaps you can see very clearly and others seem unaware of?
It is important to consider the way you deliver the information.
Here are some suggestions:
- Keep blame away from the conversation and remain neutral. Ensure that you are not inferring blame and offer a solution.
- Don’t let your emotions drive the conversation. It is ok to be passionate and care a lot about your work but don’t let your emotions drive the conversation.
- Think about the audience and the best way to deliver your message. What do you know about them, what is important to them? Use a mental chalkboard and write the problem on the left and try to come up with 3 solutions on the right within 90 seconds. Build from there and position your conversation according to your audience.
- State the issue clearly as well as the consequences and the impact on the business as you see it. You may be able to clearly see the forest through the trees however others may not. Share your viewpoint and describe the risks you are seeing in a way that relates to their role. This makes me think of asking you, “How do you view feedback?” If you come into a discussion expecting defence and feeling tense, the energy of the discussion will be different than if you see feedback as a gift of growth for the person you are in conversation with. Next time you need to provide feedback, picture a little red box with a gold bow on the side of your desk. Your goal is to invite them to open the box and receive the gift inside.
- Leave your ego out of it. Your job is to let management know about the issue and the impact if not addressed. If it’s not important at this time, you need to let it go. When the issue rises again, you will be more than willing to help the business deal with it. If we set workplace guidelines that state “Expect that we are all here doing our best.” Give the benefit of the doubt. When behaviour is a pattern that does not align with team guidelines, then we open the little red box with them.
- It is important to contribute the best of who you are in an authentic way. Communicating the issues you see in the workplace is valuable, remember to do so in a clear and positive manner to establish and support your reputation as a leader. I offer support to business leaders to learn how to accelerate their results inside a Java with Jenn session. Learn more and reach out if I can be of assistance.

See feedback as a gift you are giving for their growth.
Is your business looking for Culture “Fit” or Culture “Add”?
As a business leader, are you creating space for your team to leverage their unique signature strengths or encouraging them to “fit in?”
Interesting to consider, right?
When you have creative, capable, wise and good people around you, let them share how they see things, it may bring you closer to solution faster. At the same time, produce better buy in.
We work with highly educated, growth focused action takers.
The Prosperity Program is designed as a multi-disciplinary support system for business leaders who are dreaming boldly and taking action. Those who believe in possibility and know they are creative, capable, wise and good and that what they want to create all that is available to them.
You are ready to create the conditions for success and take it to the next level. I am committed to positively affecting you and your bottom line. With more than 3000+ logged coaching hours, 250+ Coach training hours and 13 degrees and certificates, I am well qualified to support you. My vast education and accolades are just the beginning, I have spent decades preparing to support you in the moment. Who you partner with matters. Having someone who can recognize when you need to shift, can mirror proven ways to improve your positive emotions will improve your productivity and profitability.
Let’s Partner Together!
Email me now at jennifer@jimberecoachingandconsulting.com with the subject “Prosperity” for us to discuss this signature program.
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Maintain momentum and make it a great day!