Extended DiSC helps you take on changes and new challenges

Extended DiSC helps you take on changes and new challenges

April 30, 2020

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

Is working from home new to you? Learn how DISC helps you take on these changes and new challenges.

I have not found much of a change in my work-life during this challenging time for many. For others, working from home during this pandemic may feel a little foreign even though they also feel like they are doing their part. Each of us is experiencing this a little differently.

DISC is a self-assessment that measures how an individual prefers to interact with others. DISC creates a common language and a self-awareness to better understand ourselves and others. The online DISC questionnaire takes only 10 minutes to complete. The assessment reports can be customized for all levels of the organization.

Organizations and facilitators choose the DISC assessment because it is easy to administer, user-friendly and a powerful tool in a wide range of applications.

The DISC model divides people into four main behavioral styles. Individuals are identified as either People-oriented or Task-oriented. They are further distinguished as Reserved or Active. The resulting behavioral styles are called: 

DISC helps you take on these changes and new challenges.

Our styles in transition

Things have temporarily changed for some. Each of us react differently when things change and it may pull us out of our natural style. Although many may appreciate the opportunity to work from home, it does not mean that the side changes will be comfortable and easy for all. The D style may feel more productive at this time, able to make decisions quickly and without consensus. The I style may be missing the opportunity to talk through their idea with the other members on their team simply by walking down to their desk to talk it over. The S style may want to have a short added Zoom call with a few trusted colleagues, while the C style may feel as though they are missing some of the information to make a correct decision.

Understanding our DISC style and the style of others can help us adjust to these transitions more effectively.

In this article, I offer 5 simple and practical tips for working from home. Now, let’s take a look at how we can leverage our DISC style to optimize it even further.

Using the strengths of your DISC style

We need our behavioural strengths now more than ever. Some things come more natural to use and require less energy while for others it may drain the life and fun right out of them. Right now, is a great opportunity to ensure you are aware of and leverage your own unique strengths. Are you taking advantage of yours? Not sure what they are, reach out and I can help you gain access to a complete Extended DiSC report.

Independent D-Styles tend to be self-starters who usually don’t need a lot of instructions. They’re usually more at ease with new challenges and thinking outside of box. Non-essentials are easier for them to overlook in order to focus on the getting to the end point. I-styles tend to jump right in and keep others involved. They often have a “can do” attitude.

The setting we find ourselves currently in may feel more comfortable for active D and I styles. You can use your active strengths to maintain the “big picture”, take care of the short term, and keep things and people moving forward.

The usually reliable S-styles will try to complete tasks once they have clear instructions. They will do it as agreed upon. They tend to be conscientious; taking the input of their team members into account. The disciplined C-styles tends to strive for high-quality work. They may be seen as the team’s “resident expert”; helping us find solutions to problems.

Knowing that change and chaos are more challenging for these reserved styles can help them better manage and practice ways to deal with it and continue to keep the team productive. Their diligence and persistence are strengths to help their teams reach their goals. As their leader, you may want to keep in contact a little more often to help ease any discomfort and ensure their questions are answered.

Remember to use your strengths, but be careful you don’t overuse them. For example, if you’re the one who’s always helping others out, you may be slower in getting your own tasks done; you’re “too” helpful. Your awareness helps you capitalize on your strengths and prevent them from becoming weaknesses and a potential liability to your performance.

Different behavioral motivators

Motivators are the factors we are more likely to respond positively to and we feel more energized if they are present in our environment. One way we can be more productive in our remote settings is to find and revisit our DISC results to identify our most relevant motivators. If it has been more than 1 year since you have had yours done, reach out today so that we can schedule in a Java with Jen session to go over yours. I am currently offering a complimentary Extended DiSC assessment and report.

D-styles are more likely to be motivated by opportunities to be independent and in charge. They tend to respond well to new challenges and measurable goals where they can reach the ultimate goal. Work days are more energizing if the pace is quicker, task-focused, and has more variety. They no longer need to stop and engage in added discussions and will be happy to dive straight into their work.

I-styles are more energized when they are able to speak, influence, and talk about people and feelings. They are more likely to be motivated if they are able to find ways to connect with others, whether it’s on an online meeting or on the phone. They also find new opportunities to take on new tasks and roles because they find them exciting.

S-styles tend to feel motivated by a sense of security, familiar situations, and working with a sense of perspective. They tend to value clear direction and a sense of belonging to a team where everybody is aware of their tasks and supports each other.

C-styles tend to be more motivated when they have opportunities to specialize and time to examine data and details logically. They value practical behaviour from others and when things are explained carefully, with time for them to process and decide.

Extended DiSC helps you take on changes and new challenges.

We all have different motivators, regardless of our style, because we have different roles, experiences, attitudes, and knowledge. Reach out for your DISC assessment to identify the motivators and strengths, that if you were to focus on them right now, would have the greatest impact on your performance. Each assessment comes with a personal development guide and laminated reference tool to help sustain and practice the learning.

Whether you find working from home the best or a hinderance to your productivity, please know that right now most are tired, unsure and in unfamiliar territory. Give grace, create space when needed and remember that when you are around familiar people a lot more you can use the capacity to adjust. Grant everyone an opportunity to share how they are experiencing this and treat them as they want to be treated rather than how you would like to be treated. We are all different, while also all being creative, capable, wise and good.

Remember, whether this becomes your new norm or not, you need to keep living with everyone around you when we all go “back to normal.”

Book in now to have Java with Jen. This is an opportunity to create awareness and develop yourself. I am a Certified Professional Coach, Extended DiSC trainer and Certified Change Management Specialist, I can help you brainstorm, gain clarity and focus on what you need most to improve your productivity and profitability. For a limited time, I am offering a complimentary Extended DiSC assessment and report valued at $125 to those I partner with during this worldwide pandemic.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing. There is no need to struggle alone when you can have a trusted confidant by your side.

Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Founder of Jimbere Business Academy (private level access). Jennifer is an entrepreneur, International best-selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series. World Class Coach and Business Consultant.

As well, she is a recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. She has served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Nominated for RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards Nominee of 2020. Jennifer has also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority.  Recommended and inducted into the Who’s Who of America for 2019.

PS, Be sure to join the 2477+ amazing professionals who are part of the JCC Facebook Community where you’ll find a ton of useful insights, tips, and original content that is sure to help you succeed! Click here to join.

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