“What is going well for you?”
You will very likely have heard about positive psychology before. Over the last 10 or 15 years, the subject has become a very fashionable topic. Searching for “positive psychology” on Google delivers over 4,720,000,000 hits (no, there is no extra zero added to this...
Atomic Momentum Group Coaching 2024
Kick off your Monday’s with Atomic Momentum! How many businesses have been impacted over the last several years? When you look around you see businesses closing, business leaders overwhelmed and stuck in the whirlwind of their business. They are not seeing...
Is your business looking for Culture “Fit” or Culture “Add”?
Is your business looking for Culture “Fit” or Culture “Add”? When you have creative, capable, wise and good people around you, let them share how they see things, it may bring you closer to solution faster. At the same time, produce better buy in. Read more about solution oriented leadership.

This journey is your own, the pen is in your hand.
As coaches, committed to the profession, we care about your success and we want you to win. At times, we even want to do the work for you. However, that is not an option.
This journey is your own, the pen is in your hand.
What do I mean by that?
Read this article to learn more about the importance of the role of coach.

Accepting Applications ► Planning 2024 Coaching & Consulting
I work with highly educated, growth minded, action takers who are serious about their success. Bringing their dreams and passion together, we are actioning on focused plans and welcoming them into their new prosperous reality. Accepting application for 2024 Coaching & Consulting. Learn more and secure one of only three spots available. What are the reasons you want 2024 to be your best year?