Business Growth Requires A Consistent Approach

Business Growth Requires A Consistent Approach

March 4, 2020

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

The 12 Week Year is a guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to twelve weeks.

Most organizations and individuals work in the context of annual goals and plans; a twelve-month execution cycle. Instead, the 12 Week Year avoids the pitfalls and low productivity of annualized thinking. This book redefines your “year” to be 12 weeks long. In 12 weeks, there just isn’t enough time to get complacent, and urgency increases and intensifies. 

Right now is the time if yours is not created to book in a VIP Business Planning & Coaching Day. Walk away from our full day together with a plan you can execute on. 

Be well prepared to get strong results with intention and focus.  Vanessa Bowen of Mint Worthy recently took the time to work one on one with me to build her plan and here is what she has to say about the experience.

Would you like some assistance with this for your business? 

Don’t delay, let’s talk today!

Did you want to explore how I can assist you in your custom 12-week plan?

This year is flying by fast and before you know it, it will be 2021.

If you want to make your dreams come true this year then you’re going to have to take BIG action and focus on specific lead measures! 

If you are ready to take consistent action and would like a proven professional by your side to share strategies and hold you accountable, let’s get going! *** Only 4 spots available***

Together, we will work on your 12-Week Plan. Here is what that looks like.

Business Growth Requires A Consistent Approach












Other professionals who have gained access to Jimbere Business Academy have had excellent results. Even during the Financial Foundations Phase of business growth in the first 1-3 years in business. Listen in as Jordan Kilpatrick-Smith shares his experience within weeks of joining.

What will your business look like after 3 months of access to Jimbere Business Academy, coaching, weekly accountability check-ins?

Let’s find out! Book in here for your possibility session to discuss partnering in possibility to help you. Business growth requires a consistent approach. *** Only 4 spots available***

Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Founder of Jimbere Business Academy (private level access) and Co-Founder at Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club, Jennifer Jimbere is an entrepreneur, International best-selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series. World Class Coach and Business Consultant.

As well, she is a recognized authority on the psychology of performance, negotiations and organizational turnaround. She has served as an advisor to thousands of individuals and organizations around the world for more than 20 years. Jennifer has also been named Influence Magazine 100 Authority.  Recommended and inducted into the Who’s Who of America for 2019.

Business Growth Requires A Consistent Approach

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