6 Benefits of Leadership Coaching

6 Benefits Of Leadership Coaching

July 13, 2015

Written by: Jennifer Jimbere | Productivity & Profitability Coach for Business Leaders

Are you a leader looking for help to know how to lead effectively?

Is your organization ready to see improvements in leadership effectiveness?

There are four commonly used tools for improving human performance: Coaching, Consulting, Training, and Therapy. Most workplaces do not offer therapy, however many more are starting to offer coaching, consulting and training and there are important differences between them.

Here are six benefits to leadership coaching:

1. Leading change to create high performing, results driven organizations

2. Personal and organizational transformation

3. Developing future leaders for the organization

4. Learning how to be coaches to their employees

5. Creating organizational cultures that value continuous improvement

6. Vulnerability, showing that no-one is done learning and growing.

As your coach, I can give you an honest assessment of your skills and where you can improve as a leader. As an outsider, I can see things that you may not be able to, sometimes it is just best to talk through ideas with someone detached from your program to provide fresh insights and a unique perspective on your ideas. Your organization could benefit to partner and find out what skill gaps are required for your leaders to be more effective.

I can also provide a safe and secure outlet for your leaders to vent – Everyone gets frustrated at times in the office, but you need to be extremely careful where and when you choose to vent. By having a safe channel to vent to, you won’t jeopardize your current position, lose organizational support, and develop an unfavourable image at the office. We are all moving at too fast a pace these days and there will always be things that frustrate you, including the juggling act you perform every day. Together we can create a plan and discover the possibilities to inspire you to flourish authentically.

Are you looking to find a better way to reduce stress, increase effectiveness, and still have a great life? As a coach I have worked with hundreds of other professionals, potentially some facing the same challenges as you. As your coach, I can use previous experience to make targeted recommendations, and provide suggestions on how to best improve a suitable work-life balance.
Leadership is taxing and you take on a lot of different stresses, by having someone to help process information, you can have more clarity of thought and make an informed plan of action.

Ideally, to improve human performance within an organization every situation warrants a proper review by a professional and may require a different combination of the tools. It is important to know when to hire a consultant (a subject expert who knows what should be done based on a series of assessments), a trainer (someone who focuses on skill and knowledge transfer – the how), and a therapist (someone who supports resolution of emotional, intrapersonal, and interpersonal issues – the why), it is equally important to know the when and why for using a coach. Reach out and we can explore how to partner in possibility together.

Maintain momentum and make it a great day!

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